Wednesday, August 6, 2008

News Maker @ DigitalCandy Land

Hi everyone! I'm one of the new CT member of the Royal Court. And this is my first to post here so please bear with me.

Sneaking and lurking at Digital Candy board, I have this fresh hot from the grill news for you.

First of, as I am a party goer, Danielle Corbitt is hosting a BYOK Backyard Blast at DC Chat Room. BYOK??? Bring Your Own Kit (of her). She's promising fun, games, girly talk, freebies, food (digital of course) and Scrappin'! So wouldn't want this? For more details, head on to this thread and sign-up.


Second, as I am a good player, you would definitely not miss this chance to win a FREE kit from hollihobbi, once again she can't find the words to name her kit and she's looking for you to give her the perfect one. This kit is right for the back to school photos. Here's the preview for you to have a good look and run straight here to name it. When you're there you might want to check her Take It All sale (her WHOLE store) for just $15.50, that's a real bargain!!!

Third, as I am a big freebie hunter, you would be happy to hear that Sweet Tart Team is once again giving their monthly freebie and this one is HUGE, with 50 papers and over 80 elements. Whooah!!! Here's Little Garden (not so little for me, lol) preview, and get the DL link here.

Next in line is the DC Designers Wendy Page and Lindsay Jane Collaboration Kit - Fruit Medley - is now in store and on sale for 20% off until Saturday.

And last but not the least, Duchess Designs have yet again released new Girlfriends and Buddies mini kit in store and priced at $1.99 only until Sunday. Let's all welcome Makenzie and Matteo:


- Ruby -