So it's Friday! Although as a SAHM with a baby boy Friday is just any other day of the week for me haha... The great thing about today is that I was able to convince DH that he needed to stay home from work for a couple hours this morning and take care of Cole so that I could sleep in!! Honestly on my list of hobbies I would have to put digi scrapping, reading and sleeping!! I love sleeping in and now that Cole has decided to wake up at 8 AM instead of 10 AM I haven't really been able to do that so today was a rare treat!! So now that I've revealed my streak of laziness let's get to business...
Today is Fancy That Friday which means that alllll week I have been keeping my eye out for amazing LO's over at Digital Candy!! There were some really awesome ones this week but this one by SeaChelle334 really caught my eye!! Maybe it's just because I can't believe my little boy is going to be 1 years old soon (*gasp*!) but my heart just melts at that sweet little boy and the colors are fantastic!! I love the bracket and all the glitter, basically I just think it is beautiful!! So here it is, click on the image for the credits and to leave her some love...

Well I'm off! GDWI is having a Digi Scrap Off in celebration of their Grand Opening so I've got to go get to work!!! LOL!!
this "Angel Wings" Page is soooo beautiful
Nice page! They do grow fast that's for sure.
That is such a sweet page!
I love this layout! I saw it in the gallery the other day and it just popped right out to me.
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