Winter is certainly knocking on our door! My yard is full of leaves that have fallen during all the wind we've had the past few weeks, but it's too cold to go out and rake them! We actually had some snow flurries yesterday! Well, winter isn't officially here yet, and I'm hanging on to the beautiful colors of autumn until those last leaves fall off the trees. I just love autumn, and this year was a great one for fall colors.
So, to keep autumn alive a little longer, I'm offering a COLOR challenge! I want to see your layouts using at least three of the four colors from the gorgeous Falling Leaves Glitter Fills by Duchess Designs!

Everyone who participates will receive a prize! Plus, one winner will be chosen to receive the Falling Leaves kit! Be sure to post your layout in the Duchess Designs gallery at GDWI, then post the link your layout in the comments to this post by midnight Nov 30 to be eligible for the prizes.

Here's a little inspiration from our AWESOME CT!!!
Jamie Lee:



Happy Scrapping!
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