Ok, it has been FOREVER since I have posted on the blog. I have been on sort of a CT hiatus for November and December, but just like in Poltergiest --- III'mmmmm BAAAAAAAAAAACCCCK!
My post today was described as a Free Post -- well I am going to do three things: FIRST, give a shout out to the Duchess and say "I MISSED YOU TERRIBLY and I AM SO GLAD YOU HAVE INTERNET BACK".
Secondly, I am going to take a moment to promote the Speed Scrap over at Get Digi With It! It runs on Saturday evenings at 10pm EST. You get your detailed layout instructions the first hour, and then you get a second hour to finish up your layout and post it! I love speed scraps so much, and though they can seem intimidating at first, it really is a ton of fun! So, what's so fun about it? Well, it almost forces you to try different scrapping styles and techniques. I have learned a ton about blending photos specifically, and making them pop on your layout!
I hope you will stop by this Saturday to the SPEEDY SCRAP thread at GetDigiWithIt.com and see what all the fuss is about. Be sure to look for the current date! SO COME TO THE FIRST SPEED SCRAP OF THE NEW YEAR!!! Here are a few of the layouts I did for past speed scraps!
Ok, so the third thing I had planned was just to give you a chuckle. I am stealing this from my blog! If you don't know me, which you probably don't, I love Saturday Night Live, and specifically think that Justin Timberlake is hysterical and is probably one of the best hosts. Here is a clip someone put together of the parody he and a few other guys did with Beyonce spoofing her 'Single Ladies' video. Now, if you can't laugh at this, you may want to see someone! I love this clip because it shows them doing the dance, then cuts to the ACTUAL routine from the ACTUAL video so you can see how bad they did (or how well, depending on your dance training, you may think the guys are pretty talented!) ENJOY!!!
Now at the end you can see Paul Rudd who is actually the host this night - If you like this, google Omletteville!
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