Monday, February 2, 2009

It's Duchess Deal Time!

Hi all, Ellie here with today's post :) I'm currently sitting in my living room in a little town on the south east coast of England & it's absolutely freezing & it's been snowing all day (& yesterday)! Apparently were getting this weather from Russia! Definately not used to this lol! My 2 year old loves it but my 1 year old isn't so sure, we made a snowman this morning & while my 2yr old would stayed out for ages, within 30 mins my little man had had enough & was trying to open the porch door!
Anyway here's a deal for you today from the Duchess - you can get the Ink It Up 2 Frames for just 99 cents! The code to enter on checkout is: dd_ink2_99blog

There are six different sized frames included & these add a bit extra to any page - here's one I found in the Get Digi With It gallery using the frames. It's by rachnmaddie & it's called 'Smile With Your Eyes'

Thanks for reading - I'm off to go & warm up :)


Bird Stalker Photography said...

cute frames and great deal!

Lori said...

that is a great deal! i love those types of frames!!

audrey neal said...

really cute frames!

SarahG said...

What a great Deal!

Stay Warm and have an Awesome day!

Anonymous said...

of course it snows there when I move. I live in Nottingham for 4 years and hardly ever snow. now it snows!

Lena said...

that's a great deal! The frames are adorable!