Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Easy Does It!

Hey All! I'm SO excited today! This post was actually supposed to have been up WAY earlier this morning but things have been a bit hectic over here!

I JUST found out that the store WILL be open tonight some time and when it does, I'm immediately posting a blog here so please come back and check things out! (There will be enough info in the blog to warrant you coming back, trust me!)

In the meantime, I put together a NEW freebie for you that hasn't hit the store yet. Here is the Pewter Tile Alpha freebie! It is only the capital letters but when it hits the store I will have added lowercase and numbers to the set. (sorry, this link has expired) This freebie will ONLY be available until tomorrow morning (May 1st) so get it quick!

Now for Today's event: Easy Does It! This will be a weekly tutorial posted on Wednesday's blog! Except that for today I didn't have time to write a new tutorial (on account of getting things ready for the store opening) but maybe you all haven't done a whole lot of exploring here on this blog so I'm directing you to an old tutorial of mine here:

And of course there's a chance for a prize today too!!! All you have to do is create a layout using something you learned from my tutorial, Post the Layout at Digital Candy, and Link up back here on THIS post! One random commenter with a layout will recieve $1.00 off my store!

That's Not all!!! (you knew I was going to say that, didn't you?) IF the winner chosen used products from me (Ferg Designs) in their layout, they will recieve twice that amount to be used in my store! How fantabulous is that?!?!

The deadline for submission is Saturday, May 3 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time!

Also Don't forget to participate in the other challenges we have going on this week too. Carey's Ready, Set, Go Layout is due by tomorrow night so get them in!!!

Alright Ladies! See you tonight!!! Yeee-Haaaaa!


Deb said...

That is exciting news, Maria! Yippee!!

absolutartist1 said...

Wow! Sounds like you are having fun! Too bad I'm at work so no scrapping for me! :)

20Birds said...

exciting news...

DawnMarch said...

Great alpha! TFS!

Michelle said...

How exciting. I will have to stop by.